Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finance 107 - Project Cash Out vs Cash In

Using the time value of money to determine net present value (NPV) or cost justification for a expendenture.

Finance 106 -Discounted Cash Flows (DCF)

Net Present Value (NPV) and DCF are the two workhorse tools of the business financial analyst. They are most often used to make investment decisions in capital equipment and projects.

Finance 105 - More PV / FV

More from Professor Sal

Finance 104 -Money Choices Using PV / FV

More education from Professor Sal

Salman Khan (Sal) founded the Khan Academy with the hope of using technology to foster new learning models. He is currently working at a hedge fund based in Menlo Park, CA. Prior to this, Sal was one of the initial employees at MVC Venture Capital.

Finance 103 - Money Today vs Money Later

Another great educational video on Present Value -one of the most important concepts of finance. The time value of money taught by Sal founder of the Kahn Academy.

Finance 102 -Present & Future Value

The man behind the video is Dr. C. Dr. C is a MBA from Univ. Southern California and PhD from Claremont Graduate School. Dr. C is a college professor.